Old People Should Be Allowed To Do All The Drugs They Want

NY Post - A Florida retirement community resident flashed a toothy grin in his mugshot even though he’s possibly facing hard time — for allegedly buying erectile dysfunction drugs without a prescription to peddle to his fellow seniors. 

Reginald Odell Kincer, 77, received more than $1,800 worth of misbranded ED drugs that he bought without authorization from a physician, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Middle District in Florida.

“Kincer had planned to redistribute these drugs to others locally and outside the State of Florida,” officials said.

I hope this isn't too controversial of a take, but I think Reginald is a hero. If there is ONE group of people who deserve a steady, reliable, grinning ear to ear drug dealer, it's the olds. Especially olds who are living out their final years in a retirement community. Honestly, at a certain age (lets call it 75) people should be entitled to all the drugs they want. Make everything from marijuana, to boner pills, to heroin easily accessible for all the olds. They've lived long enough to make those decisions for themselves. If they want to cut the cord at age 86 by nodding off into oblivion, then more power to them. If we can do it for Portland we can do it for them.

Reginald Odell Kincer was nothing more than your friendly retirement home drug dealer, making sure everyone in the The Villages stayed bricked up 'til death. He had all the goods. All the different brands of erectile dysfunction medication to fit any penis.

According to the documents, Snovitra-20, Vilitra 20, Cenforce 100, Vidalista 20, Tadalafil Tablets 20, Kamini Sildenafil Oral Jelly, and other ED drugs were found in his possession. 

I don't know what any of those are, but they sound very official. They all sound like something a doctor would prescribe, and I bet they get you super fucking hard. Although I can't help but think it wouldn't be overly difficult for a man living in a retirement community to be legally prescribed ED medication. Shit, you can get prescribed ED medication in about 5 minutes on the internet. I've done it myself. Got a whole mess of dick pills just to see what all the fuss was about. They're kinda cool. But you can't expect old people to navigate the internet that efficiently. And you don't always want to go talk to a doctor about that type of stuff. Doctor's will snicker behind your back and tell all the hot nurses about your broken dick. That's what doctors do. But not Reginald Kincer. Reginald doesn't judge you for your dick problems. Reginald takes 3 Viagra to get out of bed in the morning. Taking Reginald away from the community is doing everyone a disservice.

And of all places.. Florida? What the fuck Florida. You're the state that's supposed to be cool. Especially to old people. You're the place who should be turning a blind eye to the pharmacy Reginald is running from the trunk of his Buick Century. He should be a ringing endorsement for everything Florida stands for. You should put his face on billboards. He should be mayor. But instead they want to throw him behind bars like a common crook.

The suspect faces a stiff sentence of up to a year behind bars and a fine of up to $10,000 if convicted.

Kincer is apparently not exactly an upstanding citizen.

In 2020, he was arrested for possession of several drugs, including marijuana, MDMA and psilocybin, according to Sumter County court records cited by WKMG.

"Ohhh noooo everyone at the retirement community is tripping balls what ever will we do?"

Idk.. how about take care of them? Like you're paid to do? Instead of robbing your patients of their jewelry and beating the shit out of them like Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore, maybe be a good person and walk them through their trip. Keep them away from mirrors and let them know it'll all be ok. That's how you run a retirement community. That's how you fix the nursing homes in this country. Then maybe instead of having to drag our loved ones kicking and screaming to a retirement community when they no longer have the capacity to take care of themselves, maybe they'll actually want to go. Flip the whole retirement community stigma on its head. Make it a place that people want to be. Old people deserve better. They deserve Reginald. Free Reginald.

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